Team 2023
Each board member/ department leader takes the responsibility for one core task area of the federation, which is vital for the federation to flourish.
They can delegate tasks to volunteers, but they are responsible that the tasks for their area getting done.
The members of the Forró Federation elect each January new board members for the year. Representatives from all members can apply to become board members. Max. two representatives from each member can join the board to ensure many members are represented on the board. Of course, everyone is invited to help as a volunteer.
As a Board Member, you commit to contributing at least 1-2 hours a week by participating in working and decision-making sessions.
- General coordination
- Managing Board projects and keeping track of progress
- Internal communication: with Board and Enlarged Board members, with the person in charge of the obligatory French administration tasks, with a potential freelancer, with volunteer,
- Leading the organisation of the General Assembly once per year
- Keeping everyone on track and aligned to the Board’s objectives
Public Relations
- Updating and implementing a communication strategy
- Managing social media
- Updating the website
- Managing the newsletter
Finance & fundraising
- Managing the accounting
- Making and keeping an annual budget
- Acquiring external public and private funds
- Managing projects such as Call for Projects, Congress and other projects
+ Forró Map/ Professionals list
Institutional Relations
- Making the federation/ forro known by connection with National & Regional & Brazilian Institutions
- Creating cooperations
- Generating funds from official sources
- Supporting the other board members with whatever is necessary
- Updating the website
- Keep close contact with our members
- Create benefits for our members
- Aquire new members
- Supporting the other board members with whatever is necessary
- You can join a specific board member in their task
- Commitment to work/ join meetings 1-2 hours a week
- Meetings currently wednesdays at 6pm Berlin time
- Supporting the other board members with whatever is necessary
- You can join a specific board member in their task
- Commitment to work/ join meetings 1-2 hours a week
- Meetings currently wednesdays at 6pm Berlin time
The enlarged board members are ambassadors who connect the Forró Federation to their region. Enlarged board members understand the situations in the communities of their region, share their insights on current developments or possible struggles (e.g. during our Enlarged Board meetings) and act as supporters of collaboration between Forró initiatives.
Finnland (5)
Norwegian (1)
Sweden (1)
Denmark (1)
Netherlands (3)
Belgium (3)
Luxemburg (1)
Germany (North)
Hamburg (1)
Niedersachsen (4)
Bremen (1)
Schleswig-Holstsein (1)
Mecklenburg Vorpommern (1)
Berlin (1)
Saxony-Anhalt (1)
Brandenburg (0)
Saxony (2)
Thuringia (1)
Central Europe
Austria (2)
Czeck (3)
Poland (3)
Hungary (1)
- Japan(4)
- Thailand(1)
- Singapur(1)
New Zealand (1)
Central West Germany
North Rhine-Westphalia (11)
Hessen (4)
Rheinland-Pfalz (0)
Saarland (0)
We are very thankful for everyone who likes to help!
Send us a message, if you also like to help! :)
- Designer for Social Media
- Answering questions about finance and legal topics regarding the federation
- Writing and sending out the Newsletter of the federation
- Our newsletter
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)