
FAQ about the Forró Federation

Here you find the questions that the federation gets asked most frequently.

If you have further questions please let us know that they are missing here, so we can add them here.

Why a “European” Forro Federation?2021-10-09T13:41:46+02:00

We asked ourselves the question too but we all agreed on one thing: We should start with what we know best, which is the Forró scenes and communities in Europe. In the long run we would love that other continents also take the initiative and create their own Federations. Perhaps one day, we can create worldwide forró federation as well!?

How was the idea of the Federation born?2021-10-09T13:42:20+02:00

The idea of an organised network of forró professionals in Europe existed long before we actually started the Federation. However, these kinds of ideas take time to grow and mature. 

Due to the lockdown, five of us found ourselves with time to start this initiative and the first brainstorming began. It took us more than 6 months of preparation before we held our first constitutive general assembly on December 18th 2020 with 32 founding members from all over Europe.


Who can be a member of the Federation?2021-10-09T13:43:10+02:00

Members are not individual people, rather organisations, associations and registered freelancers that work with forró across Europe. But you don’t have to be a forró professional to get involved or seek out our services!

While we aim to support all forró in Europe, our members have some benefits as they take the initial leap to support and invest in the Federation by paying the annual membership fee (240 Euros a year). Member benefits include among other things:

  • decision making privileges related to the activities of the Federation
  • regular gatherings and communication with the FoFed members network
  • promotion of events and projects on the Federation’s social media platforms
  • updated contact list of Forró professionals across Europe
  • personal support and consultation in applying for local funds as well as being able to use the name of the Federation in these applications which can provide credibility and legitimisation

Are you interested in joining as a member of the Federation? Apply for a membership here

I am a dancer and want to join. Can I?2021-10-09T13:45:19+02:00

Only legal entities or legal entities to become can join as a member. But you can get involved as a volunteer! We are always looking for volunteers to help us with a large variety of tasks. Contact us directly or via your community leader!


Can everyone contribute to the Federation?2021-10-09T13:46:06+02:00

One simple answer – YES!


If you represent a professional forró organisation, come be a member here!

If you are an enthusiastic forró dancer in the community and have an idea for us or want to volunteer, we always need specialised help from people with a variety of skills! So get in touch! forrofederation@gmail.com

Do you want to write an article for the newsletter? Send an email to forroletters@gmail.com to become a contributor!

What does the Federation do for the wider community?2021-11-09T22:53:50+01:00

As a federation we are committed to:

  • supporting the professionalisation of forró teachers, musicians, djs and organisers
  • disseminating knowledge about Brazilian culture with emphasis on forró dance and music
  • facilitating better communication within the community
  • fostering international mobility within the global forró scene
  • popularizing and representing forró among other social dance communities
  • supporting the continued respect for diversity and human rights within the forró scene by facilitating spaces for reflection and discussion on critical issues in our community

Here some examples:

  • Our forró database will give you information about all the concerts and workshops happening at your location so you can plan your way from one forró to the next.
  • Do you want to find out what festivals are taking place and where? Go to our events calendar and see every upcoming forró festival!
  • to know more about the history and roots of forró culture you’ll find recommendations of books, theses, articles and documentaries on our resources page !
  • Do you want to make a local fundraiser for a charity and do this by hosting a forró event? We can help by providing volunteers with previous experience to support you in your efforts!
  • We will publish surveys to observe how forró is growing and changing in Europe and how this impacts the lives of so many individuals!


I don’t have a legal entity yet but would like to become a member, is that possible?2021-11-09T23:09:03+01:00

Yes. We have what we call a Newcomer Membership for persons or groups  who plan to become a legal entity in the next two years. You can participate in all our activities during this Newcomer Membership. At latest when the two years are over, you either join the Federation as a regular member with your freshly created legal entity or you leave the Federation because your plans of a founding an organization didn’t not become reality. Newcomer members can’t be elected as members of the Board or enlarged Board and have half of the votes as a regular member in our annual elections. For more information, check out our statutes

I want to start a community, where can I find advice?2021-11-10T00:05:49+01:00

Just contact us – we are here to assist you in all steps of the founding!

Please feel free to reach out to us and ask any questions.

We want to connect with you and we want to support you to grow Forró.

When you go through all the pages of this website you most probably have a great understanding of what the Forró Federation is doing.

To be up to date with our latest projects have a look here.

The federation needs every help we can get. Especially volunteers and member who are willing to maybe even become a board member are a huge asset to us.

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