Call for projects (2022)

In 2022 the Federation launched the very first call for exceptional Forró projects in Europe.

We are very proud to announce that we’ve received 18 exciting projects.

Our jury Marina Abib, Juliana Braga, Nina Augustin, Vitor Diniz, Andrea Grieco and Andy Samel accepted the challenge to read, evaluate and to discuss the projects! A big thank you to them.

The 18 submitted projects were all very different, all unique! There were events, tech developments such as apps, webpages, calendars, initiatives about important topics, music and dance workshops…

We want to thank all project holders for their participation and the development of their amazing projects. We hope that they will be realised with or without the support of the Federation! They are definitely worth pursuing!

January 4th 2023 our jury chose the winning projects. During the long discussions, coordinated by the Federation, the six jurors decided to award not only two but four projects this year.

The 🏆4 awarded projects are:

I) Forró in Italy Promotional Campaign – submitted by Arrastapé Asd/Fórro Roma and awarded 1.100€

🎯Project goal: Production and advertising of a video set in Rome for the promotion of Forró dance and music in Italy.

II) The Safer Space Program – submitted by Forrówelt and awarded 1.100€

🎯Project goal: Design a space (online) where European Forrozeir@s can learn and exchange about how to handle situations in the Forró context that feel or felt unpleasant.

III) Bella Pisada – Jornada Intergeracional de Forró – submitted by Sílaba Original – Associação Cultural (Espaço Baião) awarded 700€

🎯Project goal: Artistic practices such as teaching and learning dance intergenerationally contribute to a balance of disparities and overcome social segregation, promoting a greater capacity for understanding and respect between generations, allowing the development of inclusive societies.

IV) O baile dela – submitted by Forró Nürnberg n.e.V. and awarded 700€

🎯Project goal: “O baile dela” aims to value, support, encourage and empower women professionals & artists in the forró scene.

Forró Federation Event 18

Most probably there will be another call for projects in 2024. Subscribe to our newsletter to get informed.