Our mission
is to foster Forró in Europe and support professionalization and communication between teachers, musicians and organizers in the forró community.
In short: “We grow Forró together!”
We are committed to:
- support the professionalization of Forró teachers, musicians and organizers.
- facilitate better communication within the community.
- foster international mobility within the global forró scene.
- publicise and represent Forró among other social dance communities.
- support the continued respect for diversity and human rights within the Forró scene.
Together we democratically built what is now the first Federation of forró organisations in the world!
We believe that our strength is in uniting Forró organisations around Europe through professionalisation, visibility, exchange and communication.
Federation statutes
A not-for-profit association governed by the law of 1 July 1901 is founded between the subscribers of these statutes, with the title European Forró Federation – Federação Europeia de Forró. Its duration is unlimited, its structure is of a federative type with grouping in local, departmental, regional or international associations and other legal entities.
The head office of the Federation is located in Paris. It may be transferred by simple decision of the Board of Administration.
The aim of the European Forró Federation is to :
- To promote and popularize Brazilian culture in Europe, with emphasis on forró dance and music
- To produce and disseminate knowledge about Brazilian culture with emphasis on forró dance and music
- To communicate about important information and organized events, highlighting the information and events from our members
- To represent the common goals of our members on an international level
- To contribute to the growth and development of the European forró community
- To support teachers, musicians, organizers, DJs and others who work in the same area as the Federation and to professionalize and/or improve their activities by providing information and advice on training, education and studies
- To promote reflection on topics of interest to the European forró community
- To foster international mobility within the European forró community
- To improve and expand communication between communities working with Brazilian culture in Europe
- The federation is committed to respecting human rights and helping to ensure that they are respected in our community
ARTICLE 3 – 15: To read the full federation statuses please click below to download the PDF in you preferred language (EN/PT/FR).