Growing the Forró Community: Let’s Make Events More Visible Together!

The European Forró Federation is all about helping the forró community grow stronger. Whether you’re a dancer, event promoter, or just a fan, we’re working to make sure everyone can find forró events easily and connect with the community wherever they are.

What We’ve Learned About Promoting Forró Events

Recently, we asked forró promoters and curators across Europe about their challenges and ideas. We wanted to know what’s working, what’s not, and how we can help make things better for everyone.

One thing is clear: Instagram and WhatsApp are where most of the action happens, but they’re not perfect. Instagram’s algorithms make it hard to reach new people, and WhatsApp groups can get messy and overwhelming. People told us they need tools that make it easier to share events across platforms without posting the same info over and over.

Promoters and Curators: Different Focus, Same Passion

Promoters are mostly focused on getting people to come to their events. Their biggest frustration? How much time it takes to get the word out and reach dancers on every platform. They want simpler ways to reach their community.

Curators, on the other hand, are more about gathering all the events in one place. They’re happy if their lists are accurate and helpful for dancers. Their main struggle? Making sure they have the right info from promoters and keeping everything up to date.

Collaboration Over Competition

While many curators are open to working together, some promoters are a bit hesitant. There’s a fear that promoting other people’s events could take away from their own. But we believe the forró community can grow faster if we all support each other. When more people know about forró events, everyone wins!

What’s Next for the Federation?

We’re exploring ways to create better tools that save you time and make your life easier. Whether it’s automating event listings, making cross-posting a breeze, or ensuring your events reach the right audience, we’re here to help.

Let’s work together to bring the joy of forró to more people. With better collaboration and tools, we can make the forró scene bigger, stronger, and more connected across Europe!

About the Researcher: Renata Perito

Renata Perito is a passionate UX researcher dedicated to understanding the needs and motivations of communities. With extensive experience in research and a love for dance, Renata brings a unique blend of technical skill and cultural insight to her work with the European Forró Federation. Her goal is to create user-friendly solutions that help communities thrive, whether by making it easier to find forró events or by improving collaboration between event organizers. Outside of her professional work, Renata enjoys dancing and exploring different forms of visual arts. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

P.S. If you’d like access to the full research findings or want to be part of future studies, submit your email below!